What is a Conversation Map?

2 min readMay 23, 2017


EdgeTheory is a conversation media company specializing in content production at scale + smart marketing automation. We thrive in helping businesses “own conversations” relevant to their brand.

The EdgeTheory Content as a Service (CaaS) Platform concentrates on scaling marketing assets to deliver a mix of content — everything from blogs to videos, news, events, and updates across multiple social media channels.

CaaS is powered by a sophisticated big data analysis engine that listens to and maps social media conversations, creates content based on topics, keywords and location, and deploys time-optimized messaging. We’re often asked about Conversation Maps — we hope to explain that here.

A Conversation Map is a representation of real-time keywords, phrases and topics targeted audiences are having on social media. We can only offer clients own a portion of the Conversation Share related to their brand if we understand the science of existing online conversations. We all know effective communications start by listening but we also know listening doesn’t always come easy.

Note: Josh Stearns has put together a great list of tools, tips and examples of how newsrooms can listen more deeply to local communities. As Content Creators, we’re actively channeling our inner journalist // reporter, so its only natural that we might look to the newsroom for insight.

Conversation Maps are a blueprint to our creative process. The more we know about a customers interests, behaviors, location — the better we can personalize content that appeals to them. Whether your business is looking for new ways to generate leads, increase brand visibility or credibility, building a Conversation Map is a smart first step in content creation.

Interested in learning more about owning a percentage of the conversation related to your brand? Reach out — we’re great listeners.

DM: @EdgeTheory | info@edgetheory.com | edgetheory.com

“The basic rule for practicing this art of listening is the complete concentration of the listener.”Erich Fromm




Our technology combines human and artificial intelligence so organizations can understand and participate in the conversations that shape their world.